Moving to Austin, TX

"I've been known for one thing
I come and then I go

Now the days turn into weeks
You and this town are growing on me

We could put some roots down
All I want is you now
You know I'm done, you know I'm done running

We could put some roots down"

Lyrics from:

After many years of travels and nomad-life, I am finally trying out "settling down." 

This month, Chris Huttenhower is flying in and we are driving my car all the way to Austin, where I will have my first apartment all by myself!

The move was motivated by a desire for more community, close friendships, being way more involved in a big city, transformation of myself and my business, and one amazing guy...

I guess one never truly knows if where they choose to start a life is where they will end up down the road.. but regardless,

I think I'm finally ready to put some roots down..  


A Lifetime in Two Minutes


Erotic Freedom