Fears and Triumphs

The Fears and Triumphs of being Loud and Proud in one's business...

It is so crazy to look back in time and see how far I have come..

Almost 5 Years Ago: My first official Tantra Retreat with Monique Darling and Peter Peterson.

4 Years Ago- Spent 2 years traveling/assisting with the above at 10+ retreats and other amazing facilitators.

2 years ago- Started my Conscious Sexuality Business as a way to continue my practice and make a side-hustle.

March 2023- Moved to Austin TX for friends, family, and expansion of my business.

4 Months Ago- Created a new website and offerings. Went back to school for Sex Education to give even more value to my clients.

Lessons Learned:

Life has a funny way of bringing your dreams full circle in weird ways. I had went to school for Psychology and Business, wanting to have my own practice. I couldn't handle the stress and feeling helpless to do anything about it. Now, years later, I talk to people about their relationships and sex lives and don't have to deal with all the red tape. And I get to touch people while I talk to them! And do my business how I want to. Huge win.

Mentorship, Friendship, and having people in your camp are important. My biggest friends love me for me.. and couldn't care less about the non-traditional business I have. In fact, they cheerlead me for it!

Building a business, and being open about it, is so vulnerable. It's truly putting your heart and soul out there for all to see- the wins, the mistakes, the heart-aches, and the celebrations- and never knowing how people will take it.

Building a business has pushed me more than any other endeavor. I am constantly reaching my edge and thinking "I really have no idea if this is possible and nowhere to look for the answer.." Sometimes I panic with the not knowing, the lack of answers or models, and that when it boils down to it..

I am creating my life.

And that is the scariest reality of them all.
And also the most exciting..


Another Kind of Magic


Honoring Women